Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Return to Hoare

We made it to Lake Hoare today. All in all it was a pretty relaxed day. We only had one thing to do here. Tomorrow we'll hop to Fryxell and then McMurdo. You can almost count the days at this point.

Looking out at the lake, seeing the buoy site where we worked, makes me feel like I've been here for years. It seems like it couldn't possibly have been just a month and a few days ago that we got to Hoare for the first time. It's all been so constant and draining, and mostly so foreign. Being in such a different place and learning such a different lifestyle makes everything seem to last much longer. Added to the frequent travel and contrasting landscapes, it may as well have been a year. It's not a bad thing, really, just a rare sort of feeling. Well, one more night in a tent.


mattw said...

If it will make the transition better, you could ask for bags of ice for Christmas and dump them into your bed when you go to sleep. Also, I'm sure it wouldn't be too much trouble to induce some kind of mechanical failure in the electronics around your apartment, you know, to simulate life in the frozen wilds. Oh, also, since you're used to only being provided with older technology to work with, we could find an Apple IIe to replace your current computer.

Jon Warnock said...

Ha. I'm sure all of that would be lovely. Maybe to share my experiences with you, I'll sneak a one eyed seal corpse onto your couch.... Hmmm. That would only be three international treaty violations.

mattw said...

Well shoot, if it's only three violations, go for it. You only have to worry about the ice people coming after you until spring, and then you're in the clear. Just carry a spray bottle of de-icer with you and you'll be fine.

Jon Warnock said...

Well that's a thought. Fight the off with deicer. Quickly, to the NSF! Viva la revalucion!