Thursday, December 6, 2007

Running Water and Electric Lights

With much difficulty, we have arrived in McMurdo once again. We got stuck at LH for two days rather than one, and were nearly stuck at Fryxell for an overnight instead of a simple day trip. It's nice to be clean and have a bed, but I wouldn't want to be in McMurdo for very long. Tomorrow should be a day flight in an AStar, the smaller, faster helo. And you can sit in the front! After that it's just equipment returns and a few more days on ice. For those of you asking, I've seen some life wildlife. There was a skua, a sort of large cold weather seagull, hanging around outside the Crary lab. The things are sort of vicious, swooping down to take food from peoples hands and if you've got a good grip, swooping into the back of your head to make you drop it. They're the reason that most of the dead seals don't have eyes... Cute lookin' though.


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, the modern conveniences of the civilized world. I cannnot even imagine what it has been like for you not being able to shower - especially knowing how some days at home you took 2 showers! Won't ask how the underwear has been holding out - too much information there to share, I am sure. So you make your way back, just about a week away from family and friends -it will be great to see your face and give you a big hug. I'm counting.....
Love you, Mom

Jon Warnock said...

Well, we did get to clean up some. Mostly this involves pouring hot water over yourself and then soaping up and the pouring more hot water over yourself. Not nearly so nice as a real shower, but sometimes they get the shower room hot enough to be like a sauna, so not all bad.