Friday, November 23, 2007


Well, we've flown in to Lake Bonney today. It was a nice flight with some good views. We flew later than we were scheduled to, but it wasn't so bad. We got one hole drilled today, but it took longer than it should have, on account of the film crew. We were filmed by a BBC documentary group. They filmed us drilling the hole in it's entirety, plus the underwater camera going in and measuring the ice thickness. He had me give a spiel about why we research here, which hopefully won't anger Peter. Anyways, I'll almost certainly be on TV in England, and might even have a speaking part. And I've officially been directed. It was fun, I just hope I don't get in trouble... We were going to do the second hole tonight, but Meda opted to wait. So, we'll do it tomorrow morning. Time to see how the new tent feels. 'night.

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