Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sonar Success; Scheduled Relocation

Well, the sonar is finally in. All it took was an emergency fly in of steel cable, ferrels, clamps, cutters... So it's installed, and seems to be working. It was cold today, and cloudy. Still, the sand is starting to sink into the ice noticably. It won't be long before the streams are flowing.

And we're packing. Tomorrow we will fly to Lake Fryxell. Fryxell is just over Canada Glacier from Hoare, actually the two would be lake Froare if it wasn't for the glacier. So we won't be going far, but it will be a completely different view. It will just be Meda and I there, too. That means we'll be doing the cooking now and such. So far this season, Fryxell station has been without internet. While Coms is working on that, there's a pretty good chance I'll have no net for a week or so. That means I'm probably signing off for now...


mattw said...

Well be careful, try not to tick off the Yetti and we'll hear from you when you're able to communicate.

Unknown said...

What's the sonar for???

Lauren G. said...

Hey! I was looking through your pictures and I thought the ones of the Lake. They were so neat.