Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ice Goblins

Ok, I'm exhausted and it's midnight and so I am going to be brief. Also, comments are sort of declining both in number and variety of commenters, which is disheartening. I shouldn't worry about it, I know. Anyways, the surface of Lake Hoare is very, very, very uneven. There are all sorts of spires and bridges and tunnels and such. They're like ice goblins, or maybe ice goblin houses. The sunlight catches them and creates a million colors. I'll get some pictures up tomorrow; I don't have the energy now. Drilling tomorrow. :(


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to pictures of Lake Hoare after the captivating description of the ice architecture. And your account of simulated snow-blindness made me laugh!

Good luck with the drilling, and don't anger the ice goblins...I want you to come back in one piece and sound of mind.

Jacob said...

And I thought you said there was only penguins that lived out there! :p

Dom said...

Maybe you should introduce yourself to these "Ice Goblins" and they might give you some treats or make you their geological king!
