Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Lurkey Time

Ok, so maybe the song references Christmas, but (ten points if you can ID the source sans search engine)... Well, it was a pretty good one. We are still stuck at Lake Fryxell due to weather, so the hike to Lake Hoare was shorter. The spread was great; no one went hungry and there was a pretty good holiday variety. We had a crowd of something like 21, which is less than usual, actually. Still, it was a damn good time. There were many photos taken, but I'm not sure how many are going to be posted. I learned a new game (the wounds /shouldn't/ scar), table traverse, which will have to be practiced at home. Due to weather, there was no flight home, so it's rather later than it should be. Good night all. If we don't fly tomorrow, there may be violence.


Jacob said...

Well, if my memory of the movie is correct it comes from one of your favorites, Camp. I'm glad to hear that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm a little frightened to learn and help you practice table traverse, but I'll venture it anyways. I'll talk with you later. I love you.

Jon Warnock said...

That's a secondary source, not the original. You can have three points, no more.